He knew that this would be his day in court — his last chance to explain why he acted as he did 他知道这是他为自己辩解的机会,是他能够解释自己为何如此行事的最后机会。
The next day in court, he reported," Your Highness's loyal minister has considered the manner of the seal and the unexplainable turtles, and perhaps has found a reason. " 第二天上朝,他奏道:“陛下,臣仔细想过官印的样子,还有那只无法解释的乌龟,可能已经知道答案了。”
And The Stig's identity was confirmed yesterday as the Beeb had its day in court to try to stop him publishing an autobiography. 英国广播公司苦苦保守《英国疯狂汽车秀》赛车手真实身份的最后一招,就是要求在伦敦最高法院的听证会不公开举行。
The men said their vows the first day they could, in front of a gay Supreme Court judge who had volunteered to work on a Saturday. 两人能合法结婚的第一天,就在一位身为同性恋者并自愿在星期六工作的最高法院法官面前,对彼此说出了誓言。
On the day that the jury in San Jose delivered its ruling, a court in South Korea hearing a similar case said both firms were guilty of patent violations against the other and banned some of their devices from sale in the country. 在圣何塞陪审团裁决那天,韩国的一个对类似案件进行听证的法庭表示两家公司都对对方犯了专利侵权罪行,禁止他们的某些设备在韩国销售。
Eg. she had to bone up on the property laws before her big day in court. 在上法庭这个重要日子之前,她必须苦读财产法。
Legal protection in Athens and Dublin will further reduce the chances of creditors having their day in court. 雅典和都柏林的法律保护措施将进一步降低债权人走上法庭的机会。
Be patient. you'll get your day in court. 忍耐一下吧!在法庭上你会交好运的。
The terrified girls told the ship's authorities, and the traffickers were arrested, but Menchu is still waiting for her day in court. 惊吓之余,这些女孩子向船上的官员做了报告,人贩子终于落网,可是曼珠还在等待出庭的日子。
But never had his day in court. 但他从来没有受过审判。
I'm never gonna get my day in court. 我不会实现站在法庭上的愿望的。
They have a right to their day in court. 他们在法庭里有这个权利。
He physically attacked the commercializat! On of the temple, and drew large crowds every day teaching in the great court, meeting the trick questions of the authorities with direct answers. 他彻底抨击圣殿的商业化气氛,他每天在圣殿上讲道,直截了当地回答当权者们提出的微妙问题,吸引了大批群众。
Every defendant is entitled to a day in court. 每个被告都有机会出庭答辩。
In one of my first acts as President, I signed a law so that women who've been discriminated against in their salaries could have their day in court to make it right. 在我任总统后所采取的首批措施中,我就签署过一项法律,妇女如果在薪资方面收到歧视有权在法庭上要求获得公证的待遇。
Yang Hong turns around to fill in the civil petition of appeal immediately, the same day soon Minister Zheng personally considers in the afternoon to the Nanjing white under area court. 杨鸿当即转身填写民事起诉状,当日下午即将郑部长个人告到南京市白下区法院。
Tuesday was the second day of testimony in the court martial of Calvin Gibbs. 星期二是军事法庭对吉布斯案件进行听证的第二天。
You'll have your day in court at tomorrow's meeting. 明天的会议上有你申诉的机会。
One day I'll issue an "arrest warrant" for the judges on this court and try them in my court. 某天,我自己的法庭会发出一张逮捕证,正面的舆论被我掌控。
Some experts says there are some ways to help protect the privacy of HIV-positive people who want their day in court. 一些专家称,有一些方法可以帮助保护那些上法庭的HIV阳性患者的隐私。
Tracey: Of course! We can go window shopping all day and eat at the cool cafeteria in the second floor food court. 翠茜:当然。可以逛一整天,在商城二层的很棒的自助餐馆里吃东西。
Well, after a long day of eating strawberries and cream, watching soccer, and chilling in the locker room, Venus and I strolled out to the court and got a win. 好了,一整天,吃吃奶油草莓,看看足球,在更衣室里开开玩笑,和大威晃着晃着赢了场比赛。
The trial had lasted all day, and the lamps in the court were now being lighted. 审判已经进行了一天,法庭已经点上了灯。
Dawson and Downey will have their day in court, but with another lawyer. 他们会有满意的结果,不过要靠别的律师。
He goes home and spends the rest of the day bragging to his family about his wealth, his position in the royal court, and his invitation to a royal banquet with the king and queen. 哈曼尤其快乐,他回到家中,当天就不住向家人吹嘘自己的财富、在王朝中的地位,甚至得到皇家的邀请,与王和王后同席。
Forget it, he said. Some sort of surprise could happen the first day and you won't be able to extricate yourself and will spend the next 20 years of your life in court. 忘掉它吧,他表示:一上来就可能出现意外,你将无法让自己解脱,未来20年都要浪费在法庭上。
Pivotal hearing heads into second day in Florida court 佛州法院关键听审进入第二天
Costs are staggering both for the taxpayers and the litigants-and the litigants, or parties, have to wait sometimes many years before having their day in court. 对纳税人和诉讼人来说,费用都是惊人的。诉讼人,或称为诉讼双方,有时候要等许多年才能轮到自己的案子受理。
Scully: oh, I forgot what it was like to spend a day in court. 史卡利:喔!我忘了在法庭耗一天的滋味。